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November 25, 2009



"Spell checkers are important tools, but they are not substitutes for good, old-fashioned proofreading."

Here, here!

Why are the proofreaders and copy editors the first people to be let go from any publishing organization?


Why are the proofreaders and copy editors the first people to be let go from any publishing organization? Probably because they're being let go by people on the business side and not the editorial side.

Jonathan Saw

You can also delete words from the dictionary. This is very helpful for commonly misspelled words that could cause great embarrassment -- for example, I deleted the words "public" and "pubic" from the dictionary. This allows me to be sure I use the right word every time I do work in PUBLIC relations.

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Why "Word Wise"?

  • When I started to e-mail out a weekly writing tip to my Chicago colleagues at Edelman in 2002, little did I know how quickly how many people outside my office would start to request it. But word spread, as word is wont to do, and in 2006 the e-mail evolved into this blog. The tips, which are about grammar, usage and style, have a dual purpose – to remind my colleagues in PR of the power of the written word and, more generally, to support and perpetuate clear, concise, creative, honest, lively, stylish, compelling writing everywhere. In 2009 I started to add commentary about and links to stories and other blog posts related to the media, marketing, writing and, sometimes, just interesting stuff. For some reason, I also started Twittering (at SantowDan).